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The 'Gate in Pictures

This has to be one of the most picturesque grounds anywhere and on a good day, of which there are some, there is nowhere I'd rather be (with certain obvious exceptions).  Anyway, here is a pictorial view of the ground and the local area.

'Click' on the thumbnail picture to reveal the bigger picture!

View up the 'slope'.

viewuphill.jpg (35626 bytes)

View to the Pavilion.

viewtopavilion.jpg (33810 bytes)

View from the 'Car Park'.

viewfromcars.jpg (35820 bytes)

Versus rivals from further down the Dale, Spout House C.C. - view looking back down Bilsdale to Chop Gate.

spoutdownslope.jpg (32934 bytes)

Players and fans relax in the evening sun. Kev Brown gets 'physical' with the roller.

 boundaryscene.jpg (39076 bytes)

Spout House again, now that's a slope!  Watch out for the throat-height washing line at the bottom of the hill. 

spouthouseupslope.jpg (31939 bytes) 

This page is dedicated to the memory of Fernie the Hamster (Dec. '97 - 12 April 2000).

'Forever part of the 'Gate'.