SMALL PRINT! Note: Before you start
reading this exhaustive ‘fictional’ account of a ‘fictional’ season
- 1998 to be precise – I feel obliged to warn you that it is rather long so
don’t try to print it off at home, not that any sane individual would, but I
promised I’d put it on the site. I
have not changed anything apart from some poor spelling and rubbish grammar.
Er, enjoy the ‘Captain’s Log’.
Oh, and by the way, names have been cunningly altered so you won’t know
who he’s on about unless you’ve got half a brain in which case what are you
doing here. Anyway, on with the
show…I haven’t read it myself mind. Neither Chop Gate CC or myself can be held responsible in any way for your state of mind after reading the 'Log'. Enjoy.....'The Captain's Log' © Ginger Grinder Publishing (1999)